August 1944

8-01-44 - Couriers receive an order. Rising @ 17:00. No time to get weapons or form the units. Only 10% have guns

8-02-44 - Radio goes live, HQ informs London about rising & heavy fighting, asks for help. Old Town in insurgents' hands.

8-03-44 -  City Center, Ochota, Wola: Germans use “human shields” for protection. S.S. Sturmbrigade RONA arrives in Warsaw.

8-04-44 - at night insurgents took PAST building. In southern City Center  successful attack on "Soldatenheim".

8-05-44 – Airdrops by 3 British planes. German forces tried to cut East-West route form Wola to Kierbedzia bridge.

8-06-44 - A major German offensive sent to open east-west thoroughfares begins with attacks on the Wola and Ohota districts.

8-07-44 - On Wola Germans continue their attack. Their forces control now route Wolska St - Chłodna St – Saski Garden

8-08-44 - At night Germans retreat. In downtown we take 2 important buildings. Situation on Ochota is getting worse

8-09-44 - German attack stopped @ Old Town. City Hall & Miodowa St under heavy fire. Luftwaffe bombs Old Town Square

8-10-44 Germans dropped leaflets urging civilians to leave. British planes dropped weapons & ammo over City Center

8-11-44 Wola has fallen Old Town is unprotected, it's bombed from the air and by the artillery from across the river

8-12-44 Insurgents push away attacks on barricades @ Podwale, Świętojańska,  Piwna, Senatorska & Miodowa & City Hall

8-13-44 Main German offensive against the Old Town with 8,000 soldiers. The objective, isolate insurgent defenses

8-14-44 Germans continue their offensive against Old Town from the west. Heavy fighting for barricade & PAST building.

8-15-44 Allies loose 3 planes Barricades @ Polish Bank and monastery @ Theater Plaza under attack, also City Center.

8-16-44 German artillery bombs Old Town. Monastery at Theater Pl. is lost. Heavy fighting @ currency printing factory.

8-17-44 Old Town Square, Miodowa, Kapucyńska & Hipoteczna Street were bombed. German infantry attacked Tram garage.

8-18-44 Heavy loses at Tram Garage. Castle Square under heavy fire. Heavy fighting at Podwale, Piwna and Miodowa St.

8-19-44 Germans start full blown offensive against Old Town. Heavy fighting in the ruins of the cathedral.

8-20-44 Offensive against Old Town at full strength. Artillery fire and aerial bombing followed by infantry attacks.

8-21-44 Insurgent push enemy back from Polish Bank building at Bielańska and from monastery as well as from City Hall.

8-22-44 After heavy fighting Germans take weapons depot (Arsenal). In City Center insurgent attack 'PASTA' building.

8-23-44 Heavy fighting for Old Town continue. Heavy machine gun crew shot down a bomber. German attacks intensify.

8-24-44 After heavy fighting insurgents still hold ruins of Simon's Passage. They create a stronghold on Dluga St.

8-25-44 Germans continue to attack currency printer's bldgs. Insurgents suffer heavy losses. They evacuate civilians

8-26-44 Bombing of Old Town continues. Insurgents still hold positions at Polish Bank, Simon's Passage, & City Hall

8-27-44 Insurgent prevent demolition of St. John's Cathedral, heavy fighting from floor to floor @ currency printers

8-28-44 US president refuses any help without Soviet approval. Col. Gryf leads attack on German base at Szwoleżerów

8-29-44 US & UK govs. grant Allied combatant rights to the Home Army to end the summary executions of Polish POWs

8-30-44 Earlier evacuated units of German police and SS come back to Warsaw. Red Army readies for river crossing.

8-31-44 An overnight attempt to link the Old Town with City Center fails. Insurgents suffer huge loses – 300.