Monday, October 8, 2012

Why do they ignore gas prices? / Dlaczego ignorują ceny benzyny?

Media do mention the gas prices but then they quickly move on to the next subject. Even if it something silly. As long as they can move on.When Bush was a president and prices jumped for few months, they would go to gas stations and tell us how horrible it was to pay $2.50 for a gallon (at the highest) for gas. Today, the prices are nearly twice as much and everything is fine. After all it's all our fault. We should not be driving that much.

Why are they so high? How about President Obama's horribly flowed energy policy. Nearly as bad as his international policy.

Nobody want's to be first to point the fingers at him for this crisis. Yes, crisis. (Anybody who has to commute for more then 30 minutes feels the pain and last time I looked it is 50% of those lucky enough to have a job.) If they did point out that it is his fault the election would be over.


Amerykańskie media donoszą  "półgębkiem", o wysokich cenach benzyny ale robią to szybko i zaraz przenoszą się na inny temat. Byle jaki, aby tylko zmienić temat. Gdy Bush był prezydentem i ceny na parę miesięcy podskoczyły do 2.50 za galon lamentom nie było końca. Dziś  ceny są dwa razy wyższe i nic. Wszystko jest w porządku. Sami jesteśmy sobie winni ze tak dużo jeździmy.

Dlaczego ceny są tak wysokie? Dlatego, ze prezydent prowadzi taka a nie inna politykę energetyczna. Prawie tak złą jak jego polityka zagraniczna.

Nikt nie chce wskazać palcem winnego tego co się dzieje. Gdyby to zrobili wybory już byłyby rozstrzygnięte.