Film ten jest na tyle niebezpieczny dla Demokratów i Obamy, ze ich ludzie zamieszczają na Youtube nielegalne urywki filmu aby zniechęcić ludzi do pójścia do kina. Z tego samego powodu puszczono plotkę ze Fox News pości ten film na antenie tuz przed wyborami. Niestety Fox News ani producenci filmu nie maja takich planów.
This movie give you so many facts about Obama and forces as to ask so many questions that many people will finally open their eyes.
This movie is so dangerous to Democrats and Obama that their people are uploading illegally copied clips on Youtube hoping to discuorage pleple from going to the theater. Also, the rumor is being spread that Fox News will show the entire movie right before elections (just google: "obama 2016 fox news").
"The reports of the movie appearing on Fox before the election are completely untrue and we strongly suspect that they are the result of dirty tricks by our opponents who spread this rumor in order to confuse the general public and keep them from going to their local theaters."