- The attack on Syria could begin as early as Thursday and will involve no more then three days of missile strikes.
- The long-range bombers could "possibly" join the missiles.
- It needs to be finished before the president leaves for Russia next week.
- "The initial target list has fewer than 50 sites, including air bases where Syria's Russian-made attack helicopters are deployed."
- It just for a show: "I want to make clear that the options that we are considering are not about regime change."
The U.S. attack will be "about responding to a clear violation of an international standard that prohibits the use of chemical weapons." The attacks are primarily about making a political statement, and vindicating President Obama's ill-considered promise of "consequences," rather than materially degrading Assad's ability to continue to wage war against his own people. In other words it's about Obama and saving face.
To compile this "plan of attack" we didn't have to break into any computer network or talk to Snowden. All we had to do was to visit 3 websites and read what "Obama leakers"* had to say.
(* "Obama leakers" leak information that make Obama look good, mostly approved by his administration. The list of "leakers" includes Joe Biden and Obama himself.)