Thursday, March 13, 2014

Russians are massing troops on (Western) Ukraine's border

Russian Army has massed tanks, troops and aircraft on the border. There are also reports of troop movement in the Republic of Belarus that borders both Poland and Ukraine. Several Russian fighter jets were also sent to that country.

According to Ukrainian sources over 220,000 Russian soldiers are standing at the Ukrainian border. They could be near Kiev in 1 hour.

There are many indications that the referendum in the Crimea will be only the beginning of the Kremlin's plan to "restore order in Ukraine." The President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turczynow announced partial mobilization of the army and the National Guard.

Ukrainian officials are afraid of provocations by Russian special forces that will give Russia an excuse to enter Ukraine. They expect that Russia will try to completely cut off Ukraine from the Black Sea.

W razie ataku na wschodnią i południową Ukrainę Rosja użyje zapewne regularnej armii i

On the move: Tanks pictured on the streets of Rostov in Russia