Niezalezna(.)pl: Warsaw demands that Berlin clean up the waste transported to Poland. A complaint is to be filed in this case with the Court of Justice of the European Union. The Polish government emphasizes that it has evidence that German waste was illegally transported to the territory of the Republic of Poland. This will be Poland's first complaint against another EU country in history.
- We expect that the Federal Republic of Germany will not only speak in beautiful words about ecology, but will also solve this issue, because the hypocrisy is noticeable here.
The politician explained that it's about 35,000 tons of waste that was transported to Poland during the opposition government.
The case will be presented today in Brussels. This is a formal stage before officially filing a complaint with the Court of Justice of the European Union.
"Let's hope that they will come to their senses and, before filing an official complaint to the CJEU, or, for example, after today's hearing before the European Commission, the German side will decide that it is worth showing ecological actions and, above all, complying with EU law."