Friday, September 22, 2023

"Visa scandal": Poland responds to EU regarding visas issued to migrants

Niezalezna(.)pl: The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a response to the European Commission's letter regarding irregularities in issuing visas. The Polish government informed that the prosecutor's office investigates 268 visa applications, which is a small fraction of all visas issued by Poland - contrary to what the "Total" opposition party claims on this subject.

Polska wydała łącznie ponad 500 tys. wiz do pracy, z czego prawie 80 proc stanowili obywatele Ukrainy i Białorusi. Wiz krótkoterminowych Schengen, w celu wykonywania pracy, wydano w tym okresie zaledwie 767.

Poland also informed the Commission that, thanks to the actions of the prosecutor's services, it has so far brought charges against seven people in these proceedings.

In the letter, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also emphasizes that the allegations made in the case do not concern consuls, and that the proceedings concern undue influence on consular officials who were supposed to consider the indicated visa applications out of turn. Poland notes that all activities undertaken by consuls were in accordance with applicable national and EU's law. 

PN: The so called 'Visa Scandal' is a brainchild of the oposition parties that hope to win upcoming parliamentary elections and regain power. They do that with the help of the EU's politicians and bureaucrats.