His government formed about 3 months ago and this Minister had "put a foot in his mouth" several times already.
Five days ago, Poland’s foreign minister said the presence of NATO forces “is not unthinkable” and that he appreciates the French president for not ruling out that idea.
Today, he wants to recall 50 (fifty) Polish ambassadors only because they were appointed by the previous administration.
Only one thing is, in his way, something he apparently doesn't know, the Constitution. According to the Constitution, only the president, after consultations with the Prime Minister and the parliament, can appoint or recall an ambassador.
It doesn't seem like a big deal, except just about every news agency picked up the story. Now, all Polish diplomats around the World face problems. Many governments will wait until they are replaced before attempting any diplomacy.
- Based on reporting by Dorzeczy, Niezalezna, AP, and many others.