Monday, July 8, 2024

Poland: Another suspect harassed in prison by the jailers

 A television reporter and journalist, Michał Rachoń, during his show presented a letter from the lawyer of one of the officials detained and arrested in the Justice Fund case. The document shows what kind of torture she was subjected to after her detention.  

The list of tortures and oppressive acts is long. They include sleep deprivation, torment with light and noise, obstruction of access to religious practices, solitary confinement in poor conditions.

The letter is a motion addressed by the woman's defense attorney to the director of the Warsaw-Grochów Detention Center. Adam Gomoła asks about the factual basis and the name of the decision maker for issuing the order to provide the detainee with "special protection."

"I also ask for information whether the above decision was issued ex officio by the Director of the Detention Centre or at the request of another body, in particular the National Prosecutor's Office," the document reads.

Adam Gomoła, whose statement was presented in the TV Republika news service, indicated what the inclusion of the woman under the "special protection" implies.

- This order, which is supposedly aimed at introducing some kind of increased protection for my client, was introduced almost immediately after the application of temporary arrest and it is still ongoing. What's more, a few days ago, the director of the detention center definitely abused this order, which, under the pretext of providing my client with better protection from whomever, allows for increased censorship of correspondence, increased and more frequent checks of her cell, also at night, with turning on the light, with waking her up, and also allows for checking the notes and correspondence with defense attorneys - said Gomoła.

- Such actions certainly deserve to be called harassment, which should not be allowed against any person temporarily detained, - he added.

- Based on reporting by Niezalezna.