Which strategy of Kamala Harris and Democratic Party is the most popular among the politicians from governing Civic Coalition?
It seems that they chose a strategy used by Democrats in Florida and North Carolina, not providing help to flood victims who happen to be Trump supporters.
In Poland, they decided to improve upon this idea. They simply decided not to help anybody in entire towns and small cities, regardless of whom they voted for.
“Everyone has forgotten about us,” call the inhabitants of the flood-affected areas. There are still no benefits for renovation and reconstruction of houses, there are no renovation teams, ordinary people have not yet seen a penny from PLN 100,000 ($24,500) and PLN 200,000 ($48,800) promised by the state.
"We went to the elections and voted for them. And now I see that everything is suspended in a vacuum. Politics is about giving a pat on the back, and that's all. That's where it ends."
There have been many warnings about liberals' policies for many years. Today, we see the Polish state becoming weaker and weaker. And no one should be surprised that it's happening again under Donald Tusk.
Only the time will tell if these policies will work in Poland. The presidential elections will take place in May 2025.
- Based on reporting by Niezalezna(.)pl