We were told that we have protocols that make it virtually impossible for #Ebola to spread in the US. Now the union representing nurses says that THERE ARE NO #PROTOCOLS regarding Ebola. After first nurse got Ebola #CDC blamed her for the whole day. Then CDC director had to apologize for that. Then CDC told us that they are in control. Now we have a second nurse with Ebola and not only they don't know how she got it she went to different state and they didn't know that. Now they are looking for every one who was with her on the plane.
CDC is still refusing to even consider to shut down flights from Ebola countries because it would be not fair and not nice.
How does #Obama figure into that? He sends 4,000 kids (for me 20 somethings are kids) in uniforms to #Africa claiming that it is impossible for them to get sick.
But let's not let the hard facts get in the way of politics (and game of #golf ).