Thursday, November 6, 2014

Russia and Ukraine are preparing for war

NATO has reported Russian troop movement near the Ukrainian border. Meanwhile Ukraine is preparing to protect eastern cities from the rebels and Russians. For rebels and Russia the main goal is Odessa.

In order for the pro-Russian forces to attack Odessa, they would need to overrun Mariupol and nearly all of southern Ukraine. Russia would then be able to secure a land bridge to the southern region of Crimea. It is likely that besides Crimea that was Russian goal all along.

So, the war is coming, quickly.

Let's hope that President Obama and Congress are this time ready to see it and face it.

Otherwise, thousands more will die, 4,000 already died in that conflict, with real danger that Eastern Europe may get consumed by it too.

Related: Ukraine readies for attacks in east
Cease-Fire in Ukraine Fails and Preparations for War Begin

#Russia #Ukraine #Poland #Crimea #Odessa #war #wariii 
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