Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sarah Palin and other 'stupid' Republicans were right

The oil prices are now a hot news subject since they may fall to around $2.00 per gallon. All major news outlets report on that but they seem to forget that few years ago their news anchors were making fun of 'Drill, Baby, Drill', Republican campaign slogan. Everyone on the Left was laughing out loud (LOL), Sarah Palin and Republicans were so STUPID. Even President Obama made fun of his opponents on that issue.

Democrat's 'experts' claimed that raising oil production will not lower gas prices. Not in 10-15 years.
Today, it took about 4 months to accomplish that and not the word from Democrats and/or Obama on that subject.

This explains why Obama got Nobel Prize in Peace and not Economy.

An apology to all of us would be nice!

March 30, 2011: Obama takes dig at 'drill, baby, drill' in energy speech

#oil #gasprices #Obama #Palin