On the second Sunday of July, Poles around the World traditionally celebrate the anniversary of "bloody Sunday" in 1943. The climax of the genocide perpetrated on the Polish population by Ukrainian nationalists led by the OUN-UPA took place on July 11. Last Sunday, on the 75th anniversary of bloody events, Polish television broadcasted film titled "Wołyń".
The movie, considered the best Polish movie in the decade, was bought by VMI Worldwide which immediately changed the title to "Hatred" (since apparently three other movies with the same title is not enough) and then "shelved" it for no apparent reason.
Admittedly, it is a violent movie and chances are pretty good that most viewers will leave the theaters with tears in their eyes(*), but I still don't understand the motivation behind hiding this movie from US audiences.
The movie is about a young Polish girl who falls in love with a Ukrainian boy, becomes the mother of his child and then goes through hell on earth to save herself and the child. She is forced to watch her whole family perish among unimaginable violence. They are being burned alive, beheaded or even ripped apart, and the movie does not spare you from seeing this level of violence. The difference is, that it is based on eyewitness accounts not fiction.
* While the violence in the movie is hearth breaking it is mild comparing to eyewitness accounts.
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