Saturday, March 30, 2019

"Law & Justice" announces new program and EU's bureaucrats may not like it
During a regional convention of "Law and Justice" (PiS) held in Gdańsk the PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński spoke about freedom.

- We are in Gdansk, so I would like to say a few words about freedom. Freedom is a special word, a special concept whose content is the value which lies at the center of European culture, European civilization, which originated in Christianity, which lies at the center of our culture. It is a value that speaks of the sense of our history - Kaczyński began his speech. - It is that this value was written not only in important books, it was also written by the deeds of hundreds of thousands and millions of Poles who set the path of freedom in Poland, Europe and America. This path of freedom had various culminating points. One of them was what began in Gdańsk almost 40 years ago. The Solidarity movement was created. The largest social movement in the history of the world - the movement towards freedom. We can proudly say that this (...) post-Solidarity stop in Gdansk was the most important stop in the 20th century. We can be proud of that - the PiS president pointed out. 

- But freedom on a global scale has not yet won, it is a long way. Freedom is never forever. There are opponents and enemies of freedom in the world. They very often talk about freedom and often shout, but it is worth remembering this fragment of Tuwimowski's "Polish Flowers": "words changed by the shysters". You need to be vigilant, because these shysters are still at work, also in our country. Freedom is the right of an individual to act, it is the freedom of various social groups to freedom and action, it is the sacred right of nations to a sovereign state. (...) The right to the state that also serves individuals and groups. It's not about any state. It's about a democratic state. It's about democracy, that is, the system in which decisions are taken by citizens. Only within this system can there be freedom. Although, democracy by itself does not guarantee freedom. All that we define as civil liberties, freedom of speech, views, science, and many other freedoms must be ensured. And the appropriate procedure for the influence of citizens on the decision of the authorities - the President of Law and Justice continued. 

- A man who lives in poverty, who looks at the poverty of his children, is not free. We remember it well. But freedom has one more very important condition. There must be something in social life that we define as predictability. It must be in a democratic process in the activities of self-government, legislative and judicial authorities. Citizens need to know what comes out of it, and this is regulated by law. And this law must be clear, transparent and equal for everyone. In a democratic process, it cannot be that those who aspire to power and then hold it, if they win the election, what they say and differs from what else they do. Democracy must be the compatibility of words with deeds. I am not talking about freedom only because we are in Gdansk, but because recently, apart from Poland, the decision has been made in the European Parliament that it is against freedom. I'm talking about the so-called Acta 2. Well, here are two problems, First, credibility. The "Civic Platform" (PO) said: we are against it. What did they do? (...) In fact, they were "for it". And the second case. We have two years to implement these regulations. I wanted to say that PiS will implement this regulation so that freedom will be preserved. Because PiS is a party of freedom. A good law equals freedom for all. And that's why from today we will not talk about the "Five" (program) but about the "Five Plus" program. (...) And "plus" is freedom. In today's world, where freedom steps back, Poland will remain an island of freedom. Thanks to whom? Thanks to the Poles and "Law and Justice" - the former prime minister concluded his speech.

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