Friday, June 21, 2019

Poland is flexing its muscles on the EU stage

It took a while, but Poland is finally flexing its muscles on the EU stage and is doing that in a very smart way. Poland's biggest move and the one that attracted the most attention and, let's be honest, disdain was the blocking a push by France to commit the bloc to net zero emissions by 2050. Poland saw the push as a trap, although they did not say that out loud, set up by France and Germany that could derail the rapid growth of its economy.

During the discussion Polish Prime Minister correctly pointed out that in the first 50 years after World War II France and other Western states could grow freely while Eastern states could not and now he has no choice but instead of being nice, agreeable and politically correct, to fight hard for the interest of his citizens. He could not agree to the final, politically motivated, emission goals without hard facts and cost analyses that were not provided. 
Instead, he demanded to see concrete things, like compensation mechanisms and simply additional money that could be allotted to Poland.

We can only imagine that this move did not win Poland any love among the Eurocrats. And it won't get any better since Poland is blocking "sure" candidates to the most powerful positions, or "top jobs", that are being vacated after elections.
"EU leaders did not reach agreement on Friday morning (21 June) on who should lead the European Commission and other key institutions and will meet again at the end of next week."
This is a price the EU "leadership" has to pay for interfering with Poland's internal affairs in last 2 years. Hopefully they will learn their lesson.

To read more:
Poland wants money for agreeing to CO2 neutrality in 2050

Poland Blocks Merkel’s Push to End EU Carbon Emissions by 2050

No agreement on top jobs, EU leaders meet again on 30 June