Friday, November 22, 2019

New book about Warsaw during WWII

Over the weekend we published a new book from the Killing Warsaw series, and this is the book you really need to read. IT COVERS ALL OF IT.

This book shows how much city of Warsaw and its residents suffered under German Nazi occupation. It also shows that all of the destruction was planned before the war and that there were no accidents. 

The city of Warsaw was to disappear to be later reborn as a small German city of Warschau. You will see how the plan was being implemented from the first days of war, through brutal occupation, Ghetto uprising, Warsaw uprising and final and total destruction. You will see how rapidly the city's population shrunk from 1.3 million to 1,000.

Ponieważ książka jest sprzedawana wyłącznie przez Amazon można ją sprzedawać jako Amazon Associate. ASIN: 1708697721 lub B081LMYH4H