Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Polish nanotech firm named one of world’s top 15 startups to watch

 A young start-up, Nanoseen, which creates solutions for desalination of both sea and brackish water (a mixture of fresh and sea water) using nano-materials, has been named as one of Welp magazine top "15 Chemical Engineering Startups Positioned to Make it Big in 2021".

Nanoseen based in Sopot (seaside resort city) led by Bartosz Kruszka and Mikołaj Granuszewski develops innovative nanomaterials that can be used to build a water filter that may solve the world's water crisis and give all people access to clean water.

The mass production of the Nanoseen water filter, known as the NanoseenX, will begin in early 2021. It will be available to industrial, commercial partners and individuals.

This water filter could become an essential item for disaster relief teams who respond to devastating natural phenomena such as earthquakes, floods, tornados, hurricanes  and manmade disasters such as war.