German politicians consistently defend the Nord Stream 2 project, saying once that it is a strictly economic project, on the other hand, that it has some historical conditions, but in fact, it is a purely political project. It is detrimental to Europe and the security of an entire region.
There is a reply from Prime Minister Morawiecki:
"I agree with the President that post-war debts have not been paid, but NordStream2 is not any compensation. It is a step behind the back of the EU, which will facilitate Russia's aggressive policy, increase Europe's dependence, and harm the economy and security. Time to stop it." - emphasized Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
Polish politicians are very critical of this statement. They wonder what Belarusians should say, what the Ukrainians have to say, other nations that suffered enormous losses due to World War II, and whose sovereignty, whose security is affected by the Nord Stream 2 project.
If this project were to be treated as such, that means Germany is ready to discuss reparations. - said the vice minister of Foregin Affairs.