If you try to search for Congressman Steve Cohen's (D) accomplishments this year, you would think that smearing the National Guard was the only outrageous thing he did this year. Not so much. He did something equally absurd last week.
On May 24th Rep. Cohen (D-TN) said this:
"Well, it's sad to see that Members of Congress have gotten to this low level. They don't understand history. They don't understand the Holocaust. You know, it was not just Nazi, Germany; it was Poland where some of this more severe, serious concentration camps were Auschwitz and Birkenau."
I read about it for the whole week in Polish media and run some searches on the Net. I found the quote above in CNN's transcript but nothing about his apology except for the Polish news portal The First News. Here is what they reported:
US Congressman Steve Cohen has apologized for recent statements suggesting Polish complicity in the Holocaust, which evoked hefty protests from the Polish ambassador in the US, the Polish-American Kosciuszko Foundation and the Warsaw-based Institute for National Remembrance (IPN).
In his reply to a protest letter in the matter from the Polish ambassador, Cohen apologized for his words and assured that he had spoken about the Polish-located death camps purely in a geographical context without meaning to imply Poland's involvement in the Holocaust.
He also assured that he was fully aware of the persecution suffered by the Poles from German hands during World War Two.
Polish Ambassador to the US Piotr Wilczek thanked Cohen for his apology. But if you ask me Cohen's apology would sound better if it were truthful. Please read his words to see why I think so.
If there are any Poles or anybody with Polish roots in Tennessee, please take note!