Monday, March 21, 2022

The Kremlin wants to cancel the autumn elections

 The Russian government is considering the possibility of canceling the governor elections scheduled for September in some regions, reports the Russian daily "Kommersant", citing sources from the presidential administration. The reason is to be the current tense economic situation.

"The economic situation is extremely dynamic and is changing due to the imposition of further sanctions on Russia by the West. Meanwhile, the governor elections consume significant resources, including directly from the budget," - explains the source associated with the Kremlin's administrative circles.

"Kommersant" also emphasizes that in the current situation it is exceedingly difficult for candidates in the elections to find sponsors for the campaign. Another problem is the socio-economic promises, which are, to put it mildly, unrealistic in the current situation.

"Local authorities, not Putin, are being asked about empty shelves in stores and wars over a packet of sugar."