Saturday, May 7, 2022

Berlin celebrates Russian Victory Day by banning ... Ukrainian flags

 Berlin police are concerned about the possibility of clashes between Russian and Ukrainian groups during the two-day celebration of the 77th anniversary of the Allied victory over Germany in World War II. To prevent provocations, Berlin introduced, among others, the ban on displaying the flags and symbols of Ukraine and Russia on May 8 and 9 in the vicinity of 15 memorials and monuments related to the war.

"We are shocked that the Berlin police have banned the wearing of flags related to Ukraine on May 8 and 9," Ukrainian ambassador Andriy Melnyk told RND on Friday. He called for the cancellation of the decision.

"The fact that the Ukrainian flag is forbidden to be worn in public, as is the Russian flag, under which the worst war crimes against Ukrainian civilians are committed day and night, and that tens of thousands of Ukrainians, women and children are murdered in cold blood, is a huge scandal. This is not only a lack of tact, but also a disastrous political decision" - said Melnyk.

"You can understand the police's efforts to ensure security, but the fact that the nations of victims and perpetrators are brought together by this decision is outrageous."

In a meantime, members of the Russian motorcycle club "Night Wolves" were seen driving into Berlin. German police did not make any attempt, that we know of, to stop them. The club is considered to be a gang and on many occasions was prevented to enter Poland as an organized group.