The analysis of the draft EU document "Save gas for a safe winter" leaves no doubt as to the real intentions of Brussels. The draft clearly shows that the European Commission (EC) wants Poland to limit production, thus collapsing the dynamically developing economy, and transfer the saved gas to Germany for financial compensation. The EC says a lot about the need for EU solidarity.
The EC fears that "the recent disruptions in gas supplies from Russia indicate a significant risk that the complete suspension of Russian gas supplies may occur this year, in a sudden and unilateral manner."
The biggest problem has Germany, so the EU is trying to split the costs of the losses among all member states using exactly the same mechanism as during the migrant crisis in 2015, referring to "European solidarity."
The European Commission is trying to argue that "coordinated demand reduction is the key to minimizing costs and disruptions later in the year". Conversely, "in the event of a major emergency, directly connected member states have an obligation to show solidarity to each other with fair compensation." It also proposes guidelines for the EU member.