In the interview for 'Gazeta Polska' the president of Poland's central bank, professor Adam Glapiński, shared what he says is a rumor that is circulating among the leaders of central banks that meet every two months in Basel, Switzerland: "For a year it's been said that the task set by Brussels for Tusk is not only for him to overthrow Poland's existing government and put our country on course for the eurozone. Once these tasks are accomplished, Tusk is to return to Brussels, become head of the European Commission, and pursue an accelerated effort to build a European state."
Donald Tusk is co-founder and leader of the major political party, Civic Platform. He served as the 14th Prime Minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014. Later he was a President of the European Council from 2014 to 2019. Right now, he leads Civic Platform as an opposition party.
In the interview, Glapiński talked about Brussels and the Germans, who pull the strings in the European Union.
The interview brought a reaction from the German ambassador, Thomas Bagger: "Really, Mr. President? Do you sometimes confuse the present with the past? Shouldn't the threat to Poland be seen in the East than in the West?"