Andrzej Duda was asked on Saturday by Polsat News journalists if he could confirm that the US president would come to Poland.
- The American administration, the administration of the White House, and associates of President Joe Biden are responsible for confirming such a visit - answered Andrzej Duda. He added that President Biden announced that "he will come to our part of Europe, so we expect that he will definitely come."
Yesterday, Marcin Przydacz, head of the president's Office of International Policy, announced during a meeting with representatives of the American administration in Washington that Joe Biden would visit Poland "in the near future."
It would be Joe Biden's second visit to Poland. The previous one took place in March last year, a month after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
- We know from the words of President Biden himself that he responded positively to President Duda's invitation and wants to come to Poland soon - said Przydacz.
He added that Warsaw remains in ongoing talks with Washington regarding the formula and course of this visit, although he stipulated that he did not know its date.
Based on reporting by Niezalezna_pl, Dorzeczy_pl, and Polsat News.