Niezalezna(.)pl: On Sunday, a video was published on social media in which the Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, pointed out that previous government's (now the so called Democratic oposition) plans to defend Poland on the Vistula line were dangerous for the country. The material includes photos of documents, including fragments of the plan for the use of the Polish Armed Forces as part of an defense operation, approved by the former Minister of National Defense, Bogdan Klich.
Klich called the disclosure a treason.
"Poles have the right to know what fate you were preparing for them ... you wanted to turn Warsaw into a front ciy," - wrote today the ediot and pulisher of Nizalezna, Tomasz Sakiewicz. – "This document shows that Poland was to be undefended, up to half of its territory, if the Russians attacked us. Russian units were to advance to the Vistula line without much resistance. There were no defense plans, no plans to secure the civilian population, no plans to oppose the Russian army's attack on cities such as Białystok, Rzeszów, Lublin, Suwałki, Ostrołęka, Siedlce. This is what the war would look like, as it looked like in the first days in Ukraine, when the Russians reached Bucha and committed massacres, especially at the front line."
Tomasz Sakiewicz also referred to the concept of complete withdrawal of troops from the Eastern Poland and defense of only the western part of the territory.
The opposition party stated that such documents should not be disclosed. They didn't say it wasn't true.
"What is the opposition really afraid of? If the Russians know this, why can't it be revealed to the public? Because when public opinion finds out what Tusk's government wanted to do to us, no one in their right mind will vote for them, regardless of their views."