The election turnout in Poland is high, but there is a problem...
The editorial offices of all major conservative media in Poland receive information about the incorrect behavior of members of electoral commissions! The most come from Warsaw, where the opposition party, the Civic Platforma, is in power. As established by the news portal wPolityce(.)pl portal, the commission members are asking voters about referendum cards which is illegal because it may influence the choice. The cards should be given to everyone without asking.
The wPolityce (In-politics) portal found that questions by committee members about the referendum card cause confusion and consternation among many voters.
The question about "issuing all ballots" stops being asked when committee members and stewards intervene and return immediately as soon as someone stops watching them – reported one observer.
Scandal! Absolutely, all members of the electoral commissions in Warsaw ask voters whether they take the referendum card! Some voters are so surprised that they don't know what to say! This suggests a choice! — wrote on social media professor Sławomir Cenckiewicz.
Since the phenomenon of referendum card suggestions is so common, publicity is also part of the plan. If the result is not in their favor (opposition parties were against the referendum), they will complain that it shouldn't count, and if it goes their way, complaining about this practice will not help, the EU will shrug its shoulders. Democracy driven by provocations – commented someone else.
The other conservative portals, DoRzeczy (To-the-point) and Niezalezna (independent), report similar situations without commenting because that would be illegal. It's 'electoral silence,' so no media can make any comments, but such a high number of 'mistakes' by the members of electoral commissions suggests a coordinated effort to sabotage the referendum because its results would be binding to the new government.
Unfortunately, the government did not see that coming.