Sunday, October 29, 2023

Weekly review of news from Poland (Oct 22-28)

Oct 28

Largest Polish newspaper compiles lists of people to be fired because they worked for or supported the PiS government

Oct 27

Mass grave of Poles killed in 1945 by Ukrainian nationalists was found. Permission for exhumation has been requested

Oct 26

There are two serious candidates for the position of prime minister of Poland

Oct 25

The EU is depriving member states of their sovereignty. A report on changing the treaties was adopted in Brussels

Oct 24

Opposition leaders ready to form a coalition in the Sejm

Oct 23

The "democratic" coalition that won a majority of votes in the Polish parliament wants to disband the Central Anticorruption Bureau

Oct 22

Lecturer at the Academy of War Arts: Donald Tusk deeply connected with the Russian-German system