Dorzeczy(.)pl: On Friday, representatives of the Law and Justice parliamentary club appeared at a press conference, during which they announced that they were notifying the prosecutor's office and the Central Anticorruption Bureau on the matter of the draft law regulating energy prices includes the possibility of property confiscation for the wind farms. They argued that "the MPs could not prepare this bill."
The politicians drew attention to the structure of the document. "– This project is officially a parliamentary project, but even its cursory analysis shows that the MPs could not prepare this project. These are very detailed, serious and nuanced regulations."
"These are regulations that allow windmills to be built close to residential buildings. These are regulations that, in their essence, violate the fundamentals of property rights, because changes to these regulations will allow the expropriation of people in some circumstances in order to build windmill investments in rural areas.
After all, the MPs who signed this bill - I would like to draw your attention to the interview with MP Michał Szczerba - admit in bursts of honesty that they do not know the content of this bill, which means that they certainly did not write it."
Representatives of the Civic Coalition, PSL, and Poland 2050 deny reports that the draft law regulating energy prices includes the possibility of expropriation for wind farms.