Thursday, February 15, 2024

Sikorski finally admitted that there will be no reparations for Poland from Germany

During the press conference, Poland's Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, referred to the issue of reparations and compensation for war losses from Germany. He stated that there would be no reparations.

" My predecessor (...) Minister Anna Fotyga, many years ago, in response to a parliamentary interpellation, replied (...) that unfortunately reparations cannot be obtained," he emphasized. "Potsdam decided otherwise," he added. "Unfortunately, Poland cannot obtain reparations. We are trying to obtain what we can obtain ... a form of compensation."
PN: They, Germans, should start by not interfering in Polish politics, like helping install the pro-German government. Unfortunately, their crimes were so enormous that even war reparations would not erase their guilt.

- Based on reporting by Niezalezna(.)pl.