Using YouTube in the Russian Federation is extremely difficult. Although there is no confirmation that YouTube completely stopped working, it is almost impossible to play videos.
There are many comments online from frustrated Russians.
"I don't understand why Russians need a country that makes life difficult."
"I hate the Russian government. They destroyed everything they could. Right down to YouTube."
"How can we learn? Bring back YouTube, you bastards!"
Google, which owns YouTube, has left Russia as a company. The authorities are trying to explain the problems that the recipients experienced with that decision.
The first complaints about slowdowns in YouTube video upload speeds from Russian users appeared in mid-July. Roskomnadzor then attributed it to wear and tear on Google's hardware, which had not been updated after the company left Russia due to the war in Ukraine. However, Google, the owner of YouTube, denied these claims, noting that there are no problems streaming videos in Russia using a VPN.
- Based on reporting by Wpolityce.