Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Big flood. Polish government failed miserably

"In the first days after the arrival of the flood wave, in the flooded towns of the Kłodzko Valley, the Polish state did not exist or it functioned only partially," says Marcin Wywał in a text published on the news portal, Onet.

"I arrived in the Kłodzko Valley on Sunday evening, when the largest flood wave hit the region. Already in the first place I visited the next day, Elwira Dulska's barber's salon at Połabska Street in Kłodzko, which was devastated by water, I learned that the authorities had not warned the residents about the coming cataclysm," describes Wyrł.

People were not informed of what was coming. – We knew as much as we knew from TV, but no one [from the authorities] said: "Listen, you are in danger, take your things, run away from here." The Orlen gas station was working until the last minute. Not only us, but all the people sat quietly at home until the last minute and then jumped from the second floor to get out of the building, he says.

Government communication via SMS has failed. – The dam in Międzygórze overflowed between 9:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. [on Saturday, September 14]. Until then, the only text messages we received warned of heavy rains and possible flooding, said one resident. The text messages sent several times read: "Attention! Today and tomorrow (14/15/09) intense, torrential rainfall. Possible flooding. Do not approach swollen rivers. Listen to the instructions of the services." There was no word of a major flood.

Now, the Tusk's government is looking for someone to blame for a failed response. Anybody but themselves. 

- Based on reporting by Dorzeczy and Onet