Rafał A. Ziemkiewicz wrote an editorial on the portal Dorzeczy: 'The Lord Protector of the Platform will lose his job.'
('Platform," is a short for currently governing party Civic Platform.)
Brzezinski's activity in Poland can be summarized as a visit by a representative of the interests of the left-liberal elites of various Western countries.
Mark Brzezinski was going to Warsaw with a clearly defined mission: to support the progressive left and fight for respect for LGBTQI people and other minorities.
The Ambasador several times used his position to influence some decisions of the Polish government or to express his displeasure with others. That is why some Polish politicians think that it's high time for him to go.
The magazine Dorzeczy Weekly has dedicated the whole issue to the US Ambasador to Poland with an ironic title: "Goodbye, Mr. Ambasador."
- Based on reporting by Dorzeczy(.)pl