Monday, December 16, 2024

Former PM Morawiecki was invited to the swearing-in of Donald Trump

 Mateusz Morawiecki received an invitation to the swearing-in of Donald Trump as US president. The former prime minister said he would probably take part in the ceremony.

According to the American media, the President of China also received an invitation, but it is already known that Xi Jinping will not appear at the inauguration of the presidency in Washington.

Morawiecki will probably take part in the ceremony as the new head of the European Conservatives and Reformists party. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced on Sunday in Rome that she would resign from the leadership of the party and, at the same time, announced that she would support Morawiecki.

PM: I would not be surprised if Morawiecki was somehow prevented from traveling to Washington by the current PM. Prosecution for some kind of crime comes to mind.

- Based on reporting by Dorzeczy(.)pl