Citizens are protesting against the Ministry of National Education's plans to introduce anti-family content and sexualization of children into schools under the pretext of the so-called health education. The demonstrators emphasize that the ministry's actions violate the constitutional rights of parents.
- Poland - will you defend your children? Will you defend your faith? Will you defend your nationality? Poland - I have high expectations for you - said Tony Rucinski to the demonstrators at Castle Square in Warsaw.
Tony Rucinski from Great Britain is associated with the Coalition for Marriage. He appealed for the fight against the sexualization of children that is creeping into Polish schools.
The demonstration is held under the slogan "Yes to education! No to depravity!”
Participants protest against anti-family sexualization as part of the planned compulsory subject of 'health education,' anti-patriotic exclusion of national heroes from the core curriculum, lowering the level of education by removing homework and implementing 'inclusive' education, limiting the rights of parents and teachers, and producing cheap labor instead of conscious, mature Poles.
Karol Nawrocki, a presidential candidate, attended the protest. He was accompanied by former Minister of Education Przemysław Czarnek.
"I am here to protest against the sexualization of Polish children in Polish schools. The regulation by the Ministry of National Education on health education. To be clear, health education is a good thing, but depriving parents of the opportunity to influence such an emotional and essential sphere for all children as sexualization is something I disagree with. As an independent and civic candidate and, above all, as a father. I am outraged that these changes are being introduced in a manner that did not involve public consultations. This (protest) is a 'public consultation', showing that Poles disagree with this type of practice in Polish schools.
Moreover, Article 48 of the Constitution is violated here, i.e., parents' superiority in the upbringing of their children. All these aspects mean that there are many Poles here today. And I am also here as a civic candidate for the President of the Republic of Poland," - said Karol Nawrocki in an interview with TV Republika.
- Based on reporting by Dorzeczy(.)pl and Niezalezna(.)pl