We are talking about Poland and the governing party, Civic Platform (PO). The party, which, according to the European Union, is the only guarantor of the Rule-of-Law surrounded by backward Poles.
The popularity of PO's candidate is rapidly diminishing. So, the party leaders are already talking about not accepting the elections' result even though the election campaign didn't even start yet.
A conservative news portal Dorzeczy reports:
What will the government do if the opposition candidate wins the presidential election?
Public comments made by (PM) Donald Tusk, (Minister of Intrior) Tomasz Siemoniak, and (Marshall of the Sejm) Szymon Hołownia, are cause for concern.
"We will not give up and we will not allow hostile countries to interfere brazenly, as happened in Moldova or Romania, in our everyday life, economy or electoral processes and democracy," - Prime Minister Donald Tusk recently said.
"This model looks identical everywhere, for example when it comes to political elections, whether presidential ones, but it was especially visible in presidential elections, when it comes to the latter case, this model is always the same. An anti-European, independent, anti-elitist candidate who will finally free his country from European tutelage will make it truly sovereign," - he said.
Tomasz Siemoniak spoke in a similar tone. "The constitutional court of Romania invalidated the first round of the presidential elections. The reason is foreign manipulation during the election campaign. Let us have no illusions from which country it was controlled. We will defend Poland against a similar scenario."
PN: The presidential elections in Poland may be even more dramatic than the US elections.
- Based on reporting by Dorzeczy(.)pl