Farmers oppose the agreement with Mercosur countries, the Green Deal, food imports from Ukraine, the destruction of Polish forests and hunting, and the extinction of the Polish economy.
During the live broadcast, TV Republika reporter Michał Gwardyński interviewed presidential candidate, Karol Nawrocki, who was present at the protest. - Today, this is the place of every candidate for the office of President of the Republic of Poland. There are farmers here who are concerned about what is happening in Poland today. On the one hand, green madness and the Green Deal, on the other hand, the upcoming agreement with the Mercosur countries, which harms the Polish farmers and, above all, poultry farmers, but not only - he said.
"I will repeat: This is the place of every candidate for the office of the President of the Republic of Poland who is ready to stand up for what is most important in the interests of the Polish farmers. I'm surprised that the vice-chairman of the Civic Platform, (and candidate) having one metro stop from his town hall office, did not come to meet the farmers."
- Based on reporting by Niezalezna(.)pl