Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Victims of Ferguson: minorities

During the Ferguson riots, called by state senator: St Louis' Race War, the biggest loses were experienced by minorities. KMOV-TV reports that the majority of stores that were damaged or completely destroyed during Monday night's violent riots in Ferguson were minority owned. Last night during the CNN's live coverage witnesses told stories of minority store owners begging rioters to stop looting and destroying their stores.

Maybe Missouri State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadali (Democrat) should not celebrate the riots as St. Louis's own "race war":
"This is St. Louis's race war. We didn't have a race war like other cities throughout the U.S. This is our race war."

It was just reported that there is a first casualty of Ferguson riots:
The body of a black male was reportedly found near Canfield Green Apartments in Ferguson. The man, in his 20s, was shot to death and set on fire.

#FergusonDecision, #PrayForFerguson, Don Lemon, Darren Wilson, Grand Jury, Missouri, Occupy Wall Street