Thursday, October 9, 2014

With Ebola and illegally? Welcome. From Poland? Get lost.

Two epidemic are in the US causing #Obama some problems. Both could be easily connected to illegal #immigration and Fed's refusal to protect our borders. In light of recent death of #Ebola patient president Obama is still refusing to close our borders to travelers from African countries where Ebola is killing 100s of people on a daily basis.

The #Enterovirus exploded in US after Feds let in 1000s of #illegal #immigrants and secretly sent them to nearly every state without medical screening.

Here is a conclusion that we should not accept and make politicians accountable for: if you come to America from Africa or South America both sick and illegally you are always welcome. If you come here from #Poland both healthy and with #Visa issued by the US Consulate (at a cost of +/- $400) you may still be turned around (and sent home at your cost) in the US airport.

How do you justify that?