Monday, September 30, 2019

Fake news against Poland works as designed

A few days ago, there was a news report that President of Poland said that "Israel is responsible for Antisemitism in Poland." That report was immediately denied by the president's press office, but it didn't stop the media, especially Israeli media, from spreading this unverified, and now proven to be false, news. 

Almost immediately there were independent reports that the president never said any of that, yet links to those those reports somehow ended up at the bottom of the search results. And it seems that some media outlets keep producing news on the subject just to push down those links. Today one of them is at number 4 and number 1 is the title that never mentions that it is already proven wrong: Polish President Denies Saying Israel Is Responsible for anti-Semitism in Poland.

After all, even guilty deny any wrongdoing.