Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Unwanted elections

In the United States liberals worry that Trump may delay "Election Day", in Poland they worry that the Presidential Elections will take place exactly on time, May 10th. The difference? In Poland, if the elections happen in May liberals will lose, big time. Not just big time. Their loss may be so big that some opposition parties may simply dissolve. The leading opposition party's candidate is doing so badly that she literally in the last place in the latest polls. For that very reason she now calls for a boycott of the elections. 

The things go so bad for the liberals and socialists that while they claim to defend democracy and the constitution they actually demand that the government invokes the State of Emergency so the elections could be rescheduled for 6 months. That would not only give them a better chance to win - bad news for the government because of the pandemic might be good for them - but also it may make the president powerless because his longer term might be de-legitimized. Complicated? That's the point.