Tuesday, May 5, 2020

In Poland, the pandemic does not weaken, but it also does not intensify

As of today, May 5, Poland has 14.2 k infections and 700 coronavirus related deaths

I suspect that there are about 20-30 thousand people infected with coronavirus infected in Poland - estimated health minister Łukasz Szumowski on Tuesday. Laboratory tests confirmed infection in over 14,000 people.

The Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter, praises Eastern European countries: The Iron Curtain divided Europe again. The countries most affected by the epidemic are Italy, Spain, France and the United Kingdom. In the old Eastern Bloc countries, the number of infected and deaths is surprisingly low.

As the largest Swedish daily notes, governments of Eastern European countries introduced restrictions much earlier than the West for fear of collapse of the healthcare system. In contrast, politicians in Western Europe acted slowly, trusting that their technologically advanced healthcare would cope with the development of coronavirus. The newspaper emphasizes that when Western Europeans complain about quarantine, their cousins from the East accept strict restrictions with calmness.

While those countries are coping well with coronavirus they can be strongly affected by a second or third wave of infection. For this reason, Eastern European countries, as the newspaper writes, very carefully and gradually ease the restrictions.