Saturday, November 14, 2020

Appeal to Polish Americans: Stop watching CNN

 A few days ago, CNN announced with a big pump that our Pope, Saint John Paul II, knew of Theodore McCarrick's lies and specific allegations against him, and yet promoted him. 

CNN reported that: Vatican admits Pope John Paul II was warned about abusive archbishop Theodore McCarrick, while clearing Francis

A few days passed and it turned out that it is not true, or not the whole truth. It all depends on who and how read the report on this matter.

It turns out that the American bishops asked by John Paul II for opinions on McCarrick gave him "inaccurate and incomplete information." In other words, they lied. 

But, CNN has said nothing about it and has not reported it to this day. Why not? 

Maybe because CNN has quite a long history of providing its viewers with false or incomplete information about Poland. For example, when PiS won the elections and took over the government in 2015, CNN informed its viewers about a coup in Poland. 

As a rule I am against boycotts and I am annoyed by the frequent boycotts organized by the "left" for various, often trivial reasons, but this time I urge you: 

Stop watching CNN. 

Enough lies about Poland and Poles, and in particular about John Paul II.