This year on November 11, the Independence March will take place in a motorized form with participants driving around the Polish capital.
The mayor of Warsaw, who despite national restrictions on mass gatherings had no problem with thousands of protesters marching in the "Women Strike" a week ago, he even took part in them, has banned this year's Independence March. Now he is trying to prevent even that form of the march.
The mayor's office says that for the cavalcade driving around the city needs a permit which will take 30 days to obtain. Otherwise it will be a serious driving violation.
This year's Independence March will take place in the form of a "rally" through the streets of Warsaw. All motorized patriots and cyclists can take part in it. We start at 14 from Rondo Dmowskiego. We encourage you to flag your vehicles - informed the "Independence March" association today.
The "Independence March" association has no intention to apply for any permit.