Beata Szydło, former prime minister and today the MEP, spoke at the European Parliament.
There is no written link between European funds and the rule of law in the treaties. This is an attempt by the majority in this parliament to impose rules that do not apply, that the EU has never discussed and adopted - she said. - If you are talking about the rule of law, you have to answer the question for yourself whether you are not breaking this rule of law at the moment".
According to Szydło, "in Poland, the rule of law is perfectly fine". - In democratic elections, Poles decided to choose a party, my party, Law and Justice, which formed the government and consistently implements the program to which Polish citizens committed us - she said.
"Here at the moment, in this room, people are trying to convince everyone that the July agreement assumed something different than what was actually agreed. Because the provision on the rule of law or the discussion that was taking place then, went in a completely different direction" - assessed Szydło.
"You cannot arbitrarily impose the will of the majority on a minority just because think that what is good for you is good for the EU. It is not so" - said the former PM.