Friday, September 10, 2021

"Suddenly" we are talking about Polexit

 Opposition senators have critically assessed the statements of Ryszard Terlecki and Zbigniew Ziobro and accuse the government of wanting Poland to leave the EU.

During his speech on Wednesday, September 8 at the XXX Economic Forum in Karpacz, the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm, Ryszard Terlecki, criticized the decision of the European Commission to submit a request to the CJEU for financial punishment of Poland. According to Terlecki, if the European Commission does not change its attitude towards the government in Warsaw, Poland will be forced to look for "drastic solutions".

When the European Commission announced yesterday that it had asked the Court of Justice of the EU to impose financial penalties on Poland, Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro called a press conference.

"We are dealing with hypocrisy, we are dealing with politics, not law, and we are dealing with aggression towards Poland," Ziobro argued.

The words of PiS politicians caused outrage among opposition deputies who assessed that these statements were a call for Poland to leave the European Union.

Today, 52 senators issued a joint statement in which they criticized politicians of the governing party and expressed concern about the possibility of a Polexit. 

"We, the senators of the Republic of Poland, critically evaluate the increasingly stronger voices of the representatives of the Polish government and the parties forming it about the possible withdrawal of Poland from the European Union" - we read in the statement.

Also today, the press reported that the head of the German parliament, Wolfgang Schäuble, warned against escalating the dispute with the governments in Poland and Hungary over the rule of law. 

According to Euractive's report, Schäuble said that one should act within the limits set by the EU treaties and the latest provisions on the protection of the rule of law, but not "go too far".

The head of the Bundestag also stated that he was in the minority among the members of both Christian Democrats (CDU / CSU) regarding the granting of additional powers to the EU.

It took the real threat of Polexit for the European, especially German, politician to remember that the "rule of law" applies to both sides of political dispute and that there are such inconvenient things like treaties signed by those who compose the EU. Refreshing!