"The Polish border will be an effective and final barrier to Alyaksandr Lukashenka's actions," - said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
"We already know that words alone are not enough to stop the Belarusian regime. We are aware that reinforced sanctions will be needed," - he added.
On Sunday, Polish Press Agency (PAP) published an interview with the head of the Polish government. Morawiecki talked, among other things, about the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border. In it, Prime Minister Morawiecki assured that the Polish border would be a shield that would stop Lukashenka's aspirations. However, he admitted that now things had already gone "too far." He announced the possibility of cooperation with NATO allies who are also affected by the behavior of the Belarusian dictator.
The Belarusian regime has two types of "weapons" at its disposal, using people as human shields and disinformation, - said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
According to PM, the presence of journalists at the border could increase the number of provocations. If the temporary fence was broken, the lives of media workers could be endangered.
The situation on the Polish-Belarusian border worsened on November 8, when thousands of migrants arrived in the region of Kuźnica Białostocka. On Sunday, November 14, the Polish services began to report increased activity in the migrant camp. The Border Guard claims that the preparations may indicate an attempt to storm the border.
There are about a thousand people in the encampment near Kuźnica. Their activities are supported by the Belarusian services that provide food, tents, and equipment for destroying the fence at the border. Migrants also get tear gas, which they use against Polish officers, and debris they throw when trying to break into Poland.