It is already the third month of the new phase of the war in Ukraine. Poland incurs enormous costs related to helping refugees but has not received any real aid from the EU.
Since February 24, 2,944,000 people entered Poland from Ukraine, the Polish Border Guard informed on Monday.
According to media reports, Poland will receive an advance from the European Union worth EUR 559 million to help war refugees from the war-torn area of Ukraine. It is the equivalent of PLN 2.58 billion.
The Polish government will be able to distribute the funds immediately. The assumed amount was EUR 40 per refugee for a week's stay in the country. According to EU regulations, financial support may be paid for 13 weeks.
According to the calculations of Polish bank analysts, accepting about 2 million Ukrainian refugees will only cost the Polish taxpayer about PLN 24 billion by the end of this year. That makes the aid that Poland will receive a symbolic amount.
According to the Polish daily, 'Rzeczpospolita,' the government estimated the cost of living for Ukrainian refugees at EUR 11 billion this year, and in case the situation worsened - EUR 24 billion.
It is hard to tell why the European Commission and/or European Parliament are visibly 'dragging' their feet. It could be an opportunity to punish this country for not helping enough with the refugee crises from a few years ago or to punish it for electing a center-right government that dares to question EU politics. It is hard to tell. At best, it's a bad case of a slow bureaucracy. You can be a judge.