Before the Russian aggression against Ukraine, many Polish politicians, especially those associated with the EU-centric Civic Platform, argued that relying on Berlin and Paris was the best way to ensure security for their country. But, according to the latest poll, many Poles stopped seeing things that way.
When asked:
"If Russia invaded Poland, could Poland count on German help, including military support?"
Twenty-seven (27) percent of the respondents answered positively to this question.
But precisely 50 percent said that they cannot count on help from Germany.
Interestingly, the vast majority of voters for the EU-centric Civic Platform - 58% - still believe that Berlin would help Warsaw in the event of Russian aggression.
When the same group of surveyed people was asked about French help (including military support), the answer was almost identical. Twenty-seven percent said 'yes,' and 47 percent said 'no.'