"I wanted to apologize for the awkwardness," the then head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Radosław Sikorski (husband of Anna Applebaum from the Washington Post) said in the Sejm in 2014, referring to his conversation with the Politico portal, during which he revealed Tusk's private conversation with Vladimir Putin.
"It was the first thing Putin presented to my Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, when he was visiting Moscow. He said that Ukraine is an artificial country and Lviv is a Polish city, and why not solve this problem together? Fortunately, Tusk did not answer. He knew. that it is being recorded" - said Sikorski.
A political storm broke out and questions arose as to why Tusk did not provide information about such a proposal to Poles, Ukrainians, or any international institution that might be interested in knowing about it. On the same day, Sikorski, directly asked if he was withdrawing from the statement that the words he quoted had been uttered during Tusk's visit to Moscow, replied that "his memory failed him on this matter."
After four years, he regained his memory, and in his book, he made it clear that Putin offered it to Tusk personally, but not in 2008 and not in the Russian capital, but on September 1, 2009, in Polish Sopot, where they meet. It was never revealed what was said during this "private" meeting. According to the testimony of Tusk himself, the two gentlemen only talked about the weather, running, and eating?
It's time the details of this conversation should be disclosed in the current situation.